Claudia image Offline


Claudia image Offline


Languages / Country:
English speaking psychic Mediumchat Spanish Mediums Italy
Languages / Country:
English speaking psychic Mediumchat Spanish Mediums Italy






Very accurate and have me hope Rob
25 Jun 2024
Sometimes you need to know the truth because it will set you free. I think she actually said that now that I think about it lol, but she gave it to me exactly how she saw things and it was hard to hear, but she did it in a very kind, uplifting way and made it easier to take. Thank you Claudia for telling me the truth and not just telling me what you think I would want to hear. I needed to know these things so I can make the steps forward to heal and better myself. Thank you 🙏🏼 Adam
21 Jun 2024
Claudia is amazing , very good at connecting energy between peoples and she is a very fast writer too ! 100% satisfaction here ! ! ! ! balde
05 Jun 2024
She was very professional, kind and precise.🙏🏼 Magby
29 Apr 2024
Thank you very much :) Et
29 Apr 2024
Dear Claudia, thank you for sharing your insights. I feel you are spot on. I hope for the best. Deepa
28 Apr 2024
Insightful Laudina
01 Apr 2024
Thank you for the lovely chat and clarity I've received , really appreciate it. Much love and gratitude to you my soul sister. Please do inbox more if you can. Take care Akheel Akheel
19 Feb 2024
She was wonderful and was on point with my poi. I do recommend. If you can pm me the last what you typing before my credits ran out. It would be appreciated thank you🙂 Kendra
17 Feb 2024

About Claudia

Gifts and methods

  • Tarot cards
  • Tarot cards
  • Hypno / Regression therapy
  • Hypno / Regression therapy
  • Psychic
  • Psychic
  • Intimacy issues
  • Intimacy issues
  • Psychological issues
  • Psychological issues


  • Empathetic and insightful
  • I feel your energy
  • Giving practical tips
What can I do for you?

What can I do for you?

I do any type of questions/reading. If you have doubts, concern, questions about career and love life, I will be ready and delighted to help you. I am naturally psychic so I will connect automatically with you and channel messages from source, I am also very empathetic and an expert in relationships coaching and psychology. Trust the process, together we will find a solution to your issues; I use tarot cards to channel messages and give the most accurate insights.

My method

My method

You can really ask me anything, no question is too crazy for me. Absolutely NO JUDGEMENT at all.This is a safe space. In order for me to connect quicker with you, kindly provide name/ names and date of birth of yourself and people involved in the question. I’m naturally psychic so as soon as you start typing and connecting, I will pick up energy and messages for you. I am also a tarot reader

About me

About me

Thank you for choosing me. I always had accurate psychic abilities, since childhood. For the past ten years I have been focusing on my spiritual journey and I have been helping people to heal, find themselves and the answers are seeking. Throughout these years I have been giving several tarot readings and worked with different people from all over the world. I’m now joining Mediumchat, hoping to give you all my best insights and help. With love 💕

Reviews from our customers

Reviews from our customers

34,282 reviews

Rated 5 start based on 34,282 reviews

Very accurate and have me hope Rob
25 Jun 2024
Sometimes you need to know the truth because it will set you free. I think she actually said that now that I think about it lol, but she gave it to me exactly how she saw things and it was hard to hear, but she did it in a very kind, uplifting way and made it easier to take. Thank you Claudia for telling me the truth and not just telling me what you think I would want to hear. I needed to know these things so I can make the steps forward to heal and better myself. Thank you 🙏🏼 Adam
21 Jun 2024
Claudia is amazing , very good at connecting energy between peoples and she is a very fast writer too ! 100% satisfaction here ! ! ! ! balde
05 Jun 2024
She was very professional, kind and precise.🙏🏼 Magby
29 Apr 2024
Thank you very much :) Et
29 Apr 2024
Dear Claudia, thank you for sharing your insights. I feel you are spot on. I hope for the best. Deepa
28 Apr 2024
Insightful Laudina
01 Apr 2024
Thank you for the lovely chat and clarity I've received , really appreciate it. Much love and gratitude to you my soul sister. Please do inbox more if you can. Take care Akheel Akheel
19 Feb 2024
She was wonderful and was on point with my poi. I do recommend. If you can pm me the last what you typing before my credits ran out. It would be appreciated thank you🙂 Kendra
17 Feb 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

Claudia image Offline


Claudia image Offline


Languages / Country:
English speaking psychic Mediumchat Spanish Mediums Italy
Languages / Country:
English speaking psychic Mediumchat Spanish Mediums Italy




