What does the future hold for you? From Leo to Taurus, our daily free horoscopes will help you unravel more about your future including all aspects of your love life, work, family, friends, amongst others. We'll delve deeper into the features of each star sign and the current planetary alignments that plays a part in your everyday life.

21 january - 19 february
21 january - 19 february
Let the emotional walls come tumbling down. Allow someone to peek into that weird, beautiful brain of yours. Uranus is sparking connection while Mercu..
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20 february - 20 march
20 february - 20 march
Are your fingers itching to tweet something spicy? Uranus shouts, “Think twice!” while Mercury begs you to pause, breathe, and edit. Even if you'v..
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21 march - 20 april
21 march - 20 april
Money doesn't grow on trees, but it can definitely grow in other ways if you plant the right “seeds.” Got a talent? Of course, you do. Look at the..
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21 april - 20 may
21 april - 20 may
Your inner circle could feel like that parrot in the classic Monty Python sketch - no more, ceased to be, expired. However, Mercury and Uranus urge yo..
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21 may - 21 june
21 may - 21 june
Social butterfly? You're more like a hermit crab crawling into your shell – and that's okay. Cancel plans with someone who talks too much and spend ..
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22 june - 22 july
22 june - 22 july
With Uranus firing up your popularity, you could charm the pants off a statue. Pair that with a link to Mercury, and things are about to get downright..
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23 july - 23 august
23 july - 23 august
Why are you following the pack when you should be leading it? You're a lion, not a sheep. Mercury dares you to speak your truth, while Uranus says, ..
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24 august - 23 september
24 august - 23 september
Peace and quiet? Not today, my Virgoan chum. Someone's pushing your buttons. Mercury's in your corner, handing you the perfect words to call out any B..
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24 september - 23 october
24 september - 23 october
Stop trying to do it all. You're not a superhero, and no one's handing out medals for burnout. Sure, you've got energy to spare, but today's not about..
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24 october - 22 november
24 october - 22 november
Everyone wants your advice, but here's a truth bomb: half of them don't deserve it. You're not Google, so stop letting people treat you like it. With ..
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23 november - 21 december
23 november - 21 december
You look like Atlas, holding up the world. Drop the globe, Sag. Uranus wreaks havoc with your work while Mercury begs you to lighten your load. Say no..
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22 december - 20 january
22 december - 20 january
A slick talker could pitch you “the deal of a lifetime.” Spot the quotation marks, Cap. With Mercury and Uranus shouting, “Buyer beware,” you'..
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How do horoscopes work?
It would be practically impossible to write a horoscope tailored for everybody; this would mean finding out specific information about each person’s birthdate (time, date, and location). However, it would be much easier to write a horoscope suited to an entire group of people (under one sun sign); astrologers put the Sun Sign on the first house and then follow them in chronological order for other houses.For instance, if today the moon were in Virgo, you would be able to tell which house is affected by a specific Sun Sign by having a look at which house Virgo is under. Check below for your Sun Sign.
Again, because Uranus belongs under Aries, you would be able to tell the affected house affected by the Sun Sign by checking for the house that is under Aries.
Furthermore, if you own your own Natal Chart, you can easily tell how a Virgo Moon would personally affect you just by looking at the house that is ruled by Virgo. The same thing applies to other planets. However, the planet first affects us collectively as one sign and also on a personal level based on our personal Natal Chart.
The Moon is basically used to write daily horoscopes as the sign of the moon changes every 2 to 2-1/2 days, this phenomenon also influences our emotions and mood daily, so because the state of the Moon would affect us in our everyday lives, it is therefore only logical to write daily horoscopes using it. Which is why the daily horoscopes I write daily here, show the house the Moon is moving through for each sign.
How Correct are horoscopes?
The correctness of horoscopes has always captivated me for a long time. Astrology seems to operate on fundamentally incorrect concepts regarding the activities of planet and stars, but yet they can be weirdly accurate.Here, I will look to examine the popular question of how correct horoscopes are and show you how you can increase your chances of getting the most accurate horoscopes.